
ComplAi used by DNV to assess cancer care environments

Of the accredited cancer care environments that have used ComplAi in 2024, 100% of respondents to a post assessment survey have said that they would recommend ComplAi to others.

September 3, 2024

DNV a leading global assurance and risk management company has contracted ComplAi to provide a platform to support the Macmillan Quality Environment Mark ® (MQEM) programme.

On behalf of Macmillan Cancer Support, the UK’s leading cancer care charity DNV manage the MQEM programme which sees over 90 UK cancer care environments being assessed each year.

The quality standard supporting the MQEM programme determines how well cancer care environments meet the needs of those living with cancer. There are over 250 cancer care environments in the UK that are accredited and our platform will be used by these and new applicants. These environments include inpatient units, hospices, chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatment units, outpatient units and information and support services.

Macmillan and DNV are using  ComplAi’s platform to streamline the self-assessment and independent assessment processes. This helps ensuring continuous compliance with MQEM.

“This makes following up in improvement areas much easier,” said standard owner Helen Dangerfield in Macmillan.

DNV assessor Aileen Orr, who oversees the independent assessments, really sees the benefits of using the platform and said it “has the potential to save cancer care environments a lot of time in the years to come.”

• ComplAi helps cancer care units save critical time – reducing the manual process of filling out questionnaires, year-after-year. This increases the accuracy and precision of the self-assessment scores and evidence.

• ComplAi transforms workflow sharing with colleagues – and identifies the most relevant documents and what information within them is most useful, speeding decision making.

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